Tennessee State Museum aviation partner, The Tennessee Aviation Hall of Fame, has donated a group of aviation books written especially for small children to the Museum. TAHF Founder Bob Minter delivered the books to Morgan Bryn of the museum’s special Children’s Gallery where little ones can explore learning elements designed especially for them.
Bob Minter and Morgan Byrn of the Tennessee State Museum Children’s Gallery
Museum staff and volunteers will use the new books to give little visitors insight into the exciting world of aviation through "Story Time" or other activities during their visit. Mr. Minter said, "Aviation and Space have always been an extraordinary magnet for children." Tennessee has a long and deep aviation history, a part of which is included in our Tennessee Aviation Legends children’s coloring book that is distributed free to youngsters visiting the museum. In April of 2019, before the pandemic, the TAHF and Museum produced a children’s AVIATION DAY that attracted hundreds of children and there may be another before the end of the year.
The Tennessee Aviation Hall of Fame is our state's Official Aviation Hall of Fame and Tennessee's Official Repository and Archive for Aviation History.